Reasons You Might See a General Dentist vs. a Dental Specialist

General Dentist Austin, TX

Wondering when you may make a general dentist office visit? There are many different types of dentists that people can choose from nowadays; their choice simply depends on their dental needs.

Reasons to see a general dentist

Considering seeing a general dentist in Austin? According to WebMD, a general dentist diagnoses, treats and manages overall oral health care needs, which includes gum care, root canals, fillings, crowns, veneers, bridges, preventive education and treating diseases of the mouth. This makes general dentists dental professionals who are similar to medical doctors in that they both provide people with primary care services.

This is the type of dentist that everyone must make regular dental appointments with in order to ensure that their oral health is in good shape. Making regular dental appointments with a general dentist is not only necessary to ensure that there are no existing problems with one's oral health but also so patients can undergo regular dental cleanings. Regular dental cleanings are essential to remove any plaque buildup on one’s teeth that can cause gum disease.

While general dentists can typically perform most of the same dental procedures that dental specialists can, sometimes it is necessary for a general dentist to refer a patient to a dental specialist. This is often because the patient is in need of a more complex procedure or because the patient has health conditions that require them to receive extra dental care.

Reasons to see a dental specialist

Dental specialists are dental professionals who have decided to undergo additional education and training in order to specialize in a certain dental area. Examples of dental specialists include endodontists, periodontists, orthodontists and prosthodontists. A general dentist might refer one of their patients to see an endodontist, for example, because endodontists are specifically trained in performing root canal treatments, as well as other types of difficult root procedures.

Furthermore, general dentists will often refer their patients to a periodontist when they are in need of treatment for periodontal disease that is affecting a patient's bone, an orthodontist for dental patients experiencing bite problems and a prosthodontist for patients in need of in-depth tooth replacement services, like dental implants, dental crowns, dental bridges and dentures. The only time that general dentists will refer their patients to dental specialists is when the patient is in need of difficult and/or complex dental treatment.

Bottom line

Are you in need of a general dentist? If you have dental problems and are wondering what type of dentist you should visit, it is important to understand that making an appointment with the general dentist is the first step. If additional dental treatment is necessary due to a patient's more complex dental needs, then the general dentist will refer them to a dental specialist.

Request an appointment here: or call My Care Dental at (512) 590-6634 for an appointment in our Austin office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentist in Austin, TX.


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